From the Hatton Road Morning Trail to Mount High West

From the Hatton Road Morning Trail to Mount High West

We walked up the Peak via the Hatton Road Morning Trail and then ascended even higher to Mount High West. The Hatton Road Morning Trail We have done the Hatton Road Morning Trail before in order to see the Pinewood Battery, which lies about half-way 

The Reservoir Islands at Tai Lam Chung Reservoir

The Reservoir Islands at Tai Lam Chung Reservoir

The Tai Lam Chung Reservoir was the first reservoir in Hong Kong built after WWII.  Construction began in 1952 and completed in 1957.  It is also the largest reservoir in the New Territories, with a capacity of 21 million cubic meters.  The main dam of 

The Tai Po Waterfront Park

The Tai Po Waterfront Park

From picnicking to jogging, from playing street music to bicycling, there is something for everyone at the Tai Po Waterfront Park.  Wedged between the Tai Po Industrial Estate and Fu Shin Estate, the park prides in its open space of twenty-acres with thirty points of 

The Giant Twines of Mau Ping (Via Pak Kong)

The Giant Twines of Mau Ping (Via Pak Kong)

As of June 2023, the giant twines of Mau Ping have been destroyed (not completely) by a vicious person, who chopped down parts of the old trees. The twines suffered significant damage. Some experts have assessed that the damage is too great for the twines 

The Aberdeen Reservoir Walk

The Aberdeen Reservoir Walk

After visiting the Police Museum, we decided to take a walk in the neighboring Aberdeen Reservoir.  The entrance to the trail is right next to the Wan Chai Gap Park on the Aberdeen Reservoir Road.  Simply walk along, all the way down on the paved 

From Hong Mui Kuk to Amah Rock

From Hong Mui Kuk to Amah Rock

The Chinese name of Amah Rock means the “husband-yearning rock.” “Why do you always go to these haunted places?”  A good friend said when I told her that I would like to visit the Amah rock.  Like so many places in Hong Kong that come 

Murmurs of the Hollow at Mount Davis

Murmurs of the Hollow at Mount Davis

I visited the Mount Davis Battery twice.  On the first visit, I went on a sunny day and saw the Mount Davis Battery at mid-hill.  I stopped short at seeing the command center on the hilltop.  The steep incline was daunting.  On my second visit, 

From the Pineapple Dam to Shing Mun Reservoir Walk

From the Pineapple Dam to Shing Mun Reservoir Walk

We aimed to do a short 1.5 hour walk from Pineapple Dam, but we asked for the wrong directions and ended up on the Shing Mun Reservoir Walk for three hours instead. But there were many pleasant surprises on the way. As usual, we began 

The Bride’s Pool Nature Trail

The Bride’s Pool Nature Trail

Legend has it that a bride was carried through the pool in a wedding sedan chair on a rainy day.  One of the carriers slipped and fell.  The whole sedan chair fell into the pool.  As a result the bride drowned.  To remember this ill-fated 

The Big Cross of Tao Fong Shan

The Big Cross of Tao Fong Shan

You may have noticed a big white cross on top of the mountain as you drive through Tai Wai into Shatin. The cross is part of the Tao Fong Shan Christian Center on Tao Fong Shan. History In its name, Tao Fong Shan may sound